27 Feb 2015

Once here-once there: Russia and Spain are calling me

This year I am visiting various times both countries, Russia and Spain. Yes they have some similarities, yes they have some differences. Yes, Finland and Russia have some similarities. May be Finland and Spain have some similarities too, I think yes. But to hear from this from my point of view, you have to wait a little bit more...and read this blog every now and then.

As from the professional point of view, I would like to see the Russians and the Spaniards to  collaborate more - now speaking about student exchanges and may be the university sector investigation too. I do not know everything for sure, but I have noticed that there could be more cooperation between Russian and Spain in this field. If I may say so. I would like to help, as I cooperate quite actively with both countries. And I myself would like to have more and more cooperation with Spain and Russia too.

Well...I'll write this blog in English, Spanish and Finnish - depending on the issue. And up to that I use from time to time my "Word-Russian". I know quite many words in Russian. Up to professional and cultural issues, during my blog you will get to know the popular music scene of both countries. From older times too...

What else? At least now I would like to end this little story of mine to the music of two wonderful artists from Russia and Spain, that is Vladimir Vyssotski from Russia and Joaquin Sabina from Spain. Enjoy, as do I!